All Aboard!
Treehouse wants to help children get ready for Kindergarten. Every Monday (except school holidays during the summer months) families with children ages 1 to 5 can join Phyllis, Will, Caden, and Linda at 11 a.m. for songs, rhymes, riddles, and stories in the Simmons Storybook Theater. Olivia has an art project that is perfect for little ones,using the fine motor muscles needed to write letters and numbers, cut, and color. A discounted admission of $6 per child ages birth to 5 and $3 for adults (free for Treehouse members) makes this affordable fun. For the very youngest children and their grownups, Treehouse offers Baby Talk at 10:30 with Haylee, Juni, and Jen. This program is only 15 to 20 minutes long, just right for toddlers and features a read-aloud book and tips for grownups to keep the learning going at home.
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